World Caminhos (2018)

Between reputed and anonymous artists, revolutions or tributes to those of former times, this selection shows that cinema continues to be a powerful mean of diffusion and debate of ideas. While dystopias hyperbolize a determined negative aspect present in society, becoming, therefore, an even more powerful political message, there are movies which do not need to go far from our reality, occasionally fictionalized, to pass along their message. In this movies collection there is even space to reflect about the human relation with the unknown and supernatural, in stories that acquire a fairly strong alegoric spin.

After deliberation over many hours of film, the main goal was to find feature films that could dialog, at the format or theme levels, with this dialogue and differentiated aesthetic on the short film format. In the described path, the movies intertwined, touched and defied themselves in a set that was either uniform in the format and varied in the themes or similar in content but distinct in their formal outlines.

World Caminhos is a section who aims to overcomethe politically correct barriers and explore the characters’ sexuality, along with love demonstrations that do not see borders nor restrict themselves to labels.

Selected Titles  World Caminhos

Title Director Genre Production Co. Runtime Coutry
9023 Sotiris Petridis Short Fiction 00:07:35 Grécia
¿Eres tú, papá? Rudy Riverón Sánchez Feature Fiction Eres Tu Papa Ltd 01:46:33 Reino Unido
Beat Anna Ozar Short Fiction 00:02:00 Rússia
Bystander Sheyda Kashi Animação 00:08:00 Irão
Colour Cage Daniel Reascos Short Fiction INCINE 00:15:00 Equador
Eduardo Galeano Vagamundo Felipe Nepomuceno Feature Doc Nepomuceno Filmes 01:11:35 Brasil
Esto no es una despedida Gwenn Joyaux Short Fiction 00:10:00 Espanha
From On High Dawn Westlake Short Fiction Ron de Cana Productions 00:07:43 Espanha
Goldfish Yorgos Angelopoulos Short Fiction SOUL Productions 00:14:21 Grécia
Green Days by the River Michael Mooleedhar Feature Fiction Green Days Film Limited 01:42:00 Trinidad e Tobago
Hijos de la revolucion Luciana Sérvulo da Cunha Feature Doc Bharati Filmes 01:36:00 Brasil
Iku Manieva Isaac Ruiz Gastélum Short Fiction METAXINEMA 00:07:30 México
John 746 Ana Vijdea Short Doc Filmes do Gajo 00:30:00 Roménia
Medulla ObFeatureta Roberto Nascimento Short Doc/Fic Chillbox Creative 00:07:33 Nova Zelândia
Nu Yang Ge Feature Fiction 01:04:15 Rússia
Paraíso João Ricardo Oliveira Short Fiction In Vino Veritas Produções 00:27:55 Brasil
Strawberry Jam Carlos Vin Lopes Short Fiction The Worldrooms 00:24:20 Alemanha
The Boat Petrus Cariry Feature Fiction Iluminura Filmes 01:12:00 Brasil
The Calling Mariakenzi Lahlou Short Fiction Loukkos Film 00:23:52 Marrocos
The dilemma Antonio Zucherino Short Fiction Mas Ruido 00:12:48 Argentina
The oak Tree Yiannis DOP Short Fiction CESARA STUDIO 00:23:20 Líbano
The Remains Manoj Babu Pant Short Fiction Simal Cinema Pvt. Ltd. 00:16:27 Nepal
Trauma Industries Jethro Massey Short Fiction Local Films 00:13:00 França
Who They Are DJ Furth Short Fiction 00:04:04 China
Yover Edison Sanchez Short Fiction ANTRUM FILMS 00:14:04 Colombia


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