Nos anos 70's Moçambique estava em grande mudança. Isso também foi o caso de Beatrice, quem voltou para Moçambique para reconstruir a sua vida.
Beatrice refleta numa vida com Ricardo Rangel, o fotógrafo Moçambicano mais famoso da época. Eles tiveram um amor epica, conheceram e conviveram com as personagens mais importantes e interessantes daquela epoca tao historico, mas para Beatrice era "uma vida normal."
The elderly widow of an iconic photographer in Mozambique reflects on their life together. She recalls anecdotes of times and characters of a golden era in the country and her continuing love of her late husband. In her words, it was a "normal life."
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"Horácio" é um drama que narra a implosão de uma família disfuncional ao longo de um dia rico em peripécias.
Tudo começa, quando o pai, Horácio (Zé Celso), um excêntrico contrabandista de 80 anos, precisa fugir por causa de um juiz que decretou a sua prisão.
O bandido se esconde no Bixiga, um bairro tradicional de São Paulo, tranca Petula (Maria Luisa Mendonça), a sua filha de 40 anos, num quarto e a acorrenta na cama. Enquanto Petula tenta fugir com o seu amante, Horácio fantasia uma relação com Milton, o seu capanga predileto, que, por sua vez, está apaixonado por uma mulher jovem e misteriosa.
Ao perceber que o cerco está se fechando e que pode ser preso, Horácio tenta convencer Milton a fugir para o Paraguai e começar uma vida nova.
Nesse drama em que nenhum dos personagens sabe se é amado e por quem é amado, mentira, chantagem, sequestro e assassinato constroem um universo que progressivamente desmorona e torna o improvável possível: Petula que se opunha frontalmente ao que o pai representava se transforma em bandida sanguinária e Milton conquista sua liberdade.
“Horatio” tells the story of a dysfunctional family, in which social norms no longer exist, and where relationships are submitted to each one’s impulses.
The head of the family is Horatio, a smuggler on the run from the law, hiding in a surreal, baroque apartment with his daughter, Petula, and Milton, his favorite thug. While he keeps his daughter locked up in her bedroom, Horatio flirts with his goon, for whom he has had repressed feelings for years. However, Milton’s love for a mysterious woman, and Petula’s attempts to free herself with the help of a former lover, clash with Horatio’s tyrannical whims.
Both satirical and fantastical, the movie builds a tale of underworld crime in which issues such as harassment, chauvinism and greed reach a boiling point, progressively making it impossible for the characters to coexist. Although the implosion of this eccentric family takes place over the span of a single day, the few hours that make up this story feel stretched because their psychological issues are deep and their personal dramas have been long-lived.
Due to the interests at play among the characters, the film is a metaphor for a highly materialistic country, determined by an obscure subconscious.
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Sporadic gunshots echo among the ruins of a village which, though abandoned, is an objective of great import for the Romanian government. This forces two young men to lead a hard negotiation, both for the fate of the settlement and for their own future.
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A child who is building his own identity is confronted to the religious fantism of his father. This is going to mark him for life in his rlationships with others.
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Comedy in a Minor Key tells the story of a Dutch couple who first hide a Jew they know as Nico, then must dispose of his body when he dies of pneumonia.
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A reporter and a camera operator are visiting the camp of a protesting Roma community in Bucharest that recently got evicted. During the interview the protesters start questioning the real motivation of the reporter team and claim their right to tell their version of the story.
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Ridden by thoughts of death and failing his life, a young man tries out what happens if he assumes that everything was possible ... and goes far beyond anything he ever imagined.
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The grumpy factory employee Hans Himmelreich has to travel behind the Iron Curtain into a profoundly communist Czechoslovakia of the sixties to have his deceased grandmother buried. Despite prejudice he unexpectedly finds happiness in this Sudeten German province.
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Germany, at the end of WWII. The Red Army fight for every inch of ground in the streets of the city. Greta and her family are hiding in a cellar hoping for mercy. Greta’s father, however, intuits for a very good reason that the Soviets will take brutal revenge. The short film “Irgendwer” (“Someone”) shows that a beginning is still possible, always and everywhere. The film is based on a true story.
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A strange deathlike creature roams around grandpa Dakota. The patriarch knows it's time to call on the members of his tribe. A family, his family, atypical and dismantled will then have to reunite. Will they arrive in time to share a last moment with their clan chief?
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Willing to pay the price for a new life, a man stops his car in the middle of nowhere and forces his father out, leaving him all alone in the woods; Haunted by his regrets, he then tries to cancel the agreement and bring his father back. What a surprise: there is no such thing.
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Oliver Helfrich and his wife Rea lead a family life dominated by violence and psycho terror – in the middle is their baby son Jonas. Oliver works on a promising project at his job, while Rea is in nostalgia and depression at home. Oliver decides to take their baby to work. From then on, Rea makes him even more reproaches and feels disrespected as a woman and as a failure in her mother’s role. Rea harasses Oliver in the office with telephone terror. At home she uses physical violence against him. Oliver is criticized by his boss that he should "pull himself together like a man" and get the situation under control. After Rea’s fake suicide attempt, it comes to an escalation. When the police arrives at the apartment, the evidence is determined by outdated gender roles.
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An intellectual dress style man is shopping at the supermarket. After he bought the essential goods, he moves toward the refrigerated section to choose the yogurt to buy. The man realizes with amazement that each one of the yogurt cups has stamped on it the name of a religion instead of the yogurt brand...
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A truck stop diner, a killer confesses his bizarre experiments to a blogger for the LA Times. An unassuming middle-aged man shares his appetite for twisting fate and playing God. He has polaroids of his ninety-nine victims, by the end of their meal, one of them will be the next.
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The Quiet Rebel tells the controversial story of radical feminist artist Casey Jenkins: her rise to internet fame, and shame after a performance where she knitted with wool that she inserted in her vagina. The film is a thought-provoking examination of internet bullying, art and feminism.
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A imensidão do homem é um lugar suspenso no tempo, margeado por céu, terra, rio e mar. Das águas que passam é um filme de memória. Rodado na foz do Rio Doce meses antes de ocorrer o rompimento da barragem de rejeitos de mineração e este ser devastado pela lama tóxica, o maior impacto ambiental da história brasileira.
The vastness of man is a place suspended in time, bordered by sky, land, river and sea. Running Waters is the memory of the Rio Doce (Sweet River), one of Brazil’s most important rivers, before it was devastated by the toxic mud on 5th of November, 2015.
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Um homem aparentemente comum procura um drogado sagaz em busca
de um veneno não rastreável, mas acaba ficando mais do que ele esperava. Adaptado do conto de 1961 por Fredric Brown.
A short neo-noire thriller centered around a mysterious druggist visited by Sangstrom, a seemingly ordinary man in search of an undetectable poison. Yet, Sangstrom winds up getting more than he bargained for from the sagacious alchemist.
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Hasan is a locksmith, who owns a tiny store in Istanbul. A pretty girl who has lost her key comes at the closing hour one evening, begging for his help. Intrigued by her friendly interest, Hasan starts following her, almost as a stalker, to find another chance to get into her apartment.
O chef Arthur, que é muito sensível à natureza, está entretendo um júri importante para o jantar. Arthur, que pratica ioga e beija suas flores todas as manhãs, se transforma em outro personagem quando coloca o avental do chef. Ele transforma a cozinha em um campo de batalha enquanto tenta cozinhar a melhor comida para os júris. Não há mais vestígios desse homem ingênuo. Arthur, que nem é capaz de machucar uma mosca, não se afasta de matar animais e sacrificar qualquer coisa por sabor quando entra na cozinha.
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It is a coincidental discovery that tears a broke private detective
out of his daily routine and turns his life upside down. He embarks on a search into the
past to change his future.
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FADI, a Syrian refugee who works as a barber in a make-shift salon in a refugee camp in Southern Sweden provides a neutral ear for the various ethnic and political groups residing in the camp. FADI’s customers reveal the struggles of every day immigrant life in Sweden and the dynamics between peoples within the camp. When FADI develops a relationship with a new client, he is forced to question his own values, which are already so often challenged by life in Sweden. Within seconds, FADI must make a potentially life-altering decision that may alleviate the pain from his past, but may change his future forever.
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Their goal: to save refugees from drowning. For this idea, the crew of the MISSION LIFELINE not only has to endure investigations and legal proceedings in their hometown Dresden. Even at sea, in an attempt to save lives, their project is increasingly turning into a fight for the European idea.
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Em nossas páginas no Instagram ou no Facebook, mostramos apenas a melhor parte de nós mesmos, a parte "bonita" de nossas vidas. Nos escondemos nessa farsa. Estamos tão imersos no processo de criação da nossa personalidade virtual ideal que nos esquecemos da vida real. Esquecemos a simples verdade de que a beleza está no interior.
On our Instagram or Facebook pages, we show only the best part of ourselves, the "beautiful" part of our lives. We hide in this fake. We are so immersed in the process of creating our ideal virtual personality that we forget about real life. We forget the simple truth that beauty is inside.
The film subtilely focuses on a social issue that has global reach: how we perceive and judge ourselves and the others in a world dominated by social media, which demands perfect beauty and instant gratification.
'American Mirror - Intimations of Immortality' was most awarded film at its premiere on October 21, 2018, at the 5th DOC LA Los Angeles Documentary Film Festival, garnering Best Innovative Film, Best Composer, Best Cinematography and Parajanov-Vartanov Award.A jury presided over by two-time Academy award-winner Paul Haggis for Fabrique Du Cinema Awards (presented by Fabrique Du Cinema, the leading film magazine of Italy, bestowed on the film the Best International Documentary award in Rome, December 15th, 2018. Besides some others wins, the film has been a Melbourne Documentary Film Festival 2019 Official Selection, Finalist to the Supreme Jury Award and Winner of Special Jury Mention, among other almost forty official selections around the world in 2019. It has received the Audience Award of the 6th Ierapetra Documentary Film Festival, biggest documentary-only festival in Greece, as also the Michel Foucre Award for Best Directing.
Oscar-winning screen icon Susan Sarandon and painter Tigran Tsitoghdzyan discuss how the apparently in conflict values of beauty and aging are perceived in our social-media obsessed society, as he tries to limn her portrait during a timeless sitting session in his atelier in New York City. With this film the director, Arthur Balder, sets in motion his theory on poetics of cinematic art, by attempting to create the deep conflicts of creativity in a non-linear, challenging story-telling scheme. The fictionalformulation of thought-processes, which can be called memories but also 'omens' and other sort of 'visions', imagery occurring in the internal eye in connection with the unconscious and entirely 'subjective', are the quintessential substance of the director's final result. 'Intimations of Immortality' is a reference taken from British Romantic poet William Wordsworth's 'Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood'. For Wordsworth poetry was all about the 'memories' we keep from our most deeply felt living hours.
'American Mirror: Intimations of Immortality' aims to expand our ordinary perception of time as the director introduces 'a documentary on the subconscious'. From this perspective these characters -an artist, muses painted by him, the NYC society as a catalyzer- transcend the banausic pace of the world surrounding them, joining in a kind of shared visionary creative process, as if engulfed in each other’s dream. The director lays out the dream-like narratives of both the artist and his haunting muses -main parts assigned to Susan Sarandon and Florence Faivre-, whom Tigran paints, or dreams to paint. Most reality-engaged scenes are the epitome of the everyday metropolis-world in which the artist's self apparently wanders without a clear aim. In fact, what follows the opening sequence of the awakening could be interpreted as just a dream within a dream, being the whole proceedings a feverish thought-process. The director draws us in with an intriguing story, a reality transfigured into surreal perception, that actually embeds a meditation on something far deeper: the internal frictions of subconscious, never-resolved conflicts which are the true motor of creative impulsiveness. But through his presentation of the unconscious right at the beginning of the film, the director choses an artistic direction that he would follow hereafter with unwavering determination despite challenging the canons of nowadays 'conscious' and 'mainstream' documentary filmmaking until the last frame of the film.
'American Mirror - Intimations of Immortality' aims to expand our ordinary perception of time as the director introduces 'a documentary on the unconscious'. From this perspective these characters -an artist, muses painted by him, the NYC society as a catalyzer- transcend the banausic pace of the world surrounding them, joining in a kind of shared visionary creative process, as if engulfed in each other’s dream. The director lays out the dream-like narratives of both the artist and his haunting muses -main parts assigned to Susan Sarandon and Florence Faivre-, whom Tigran paints, or dreams to paint. Most reality-engaged scenes are the epitome of the everyday metropolis-world from which Tigran's innermost self wishes to stray. In fact, what follows the opening sequence of the awakening could be interpreted asjust a dream within a dream, being the whole proceedings a feverish thought-process of the still-unredeemed artist. The director draws us in with an intriguing story that actually embeds a meditation on something far deeper: the internal frictions of the unconscious, never-resolved conflicts which are the true motor of creative impulsiveness.But through his presentation of the artist's self-unconscious suffering right at the beginning of the film, the director choses an artistic direction that he would follow hereafter with unwavering determination despite challenging the canons of nowadays 'conscious' and 'mainstream' documentary filmmaking until the last frame of the film.
'Intimations of Immortality' is a reference taken from the ode of British Romantic poet William Wordsworth, 'Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood'. For Wordsworth poetry was all about the 'memories' we have. So is long to explain, but this has become a revelation to the director's craft as an essential part of filmmaking:
the reconstruction of deep thought-processes, which we can call memories but also 'omens' and other sort of'visions', imagery occurring in the internal eye of the subject, entirely 'subjective'.
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“Vou Te Contar” é uma curta-metragem feita inteiramente com vídeos disponíveis no YouTube. A curta dá voz a mulheres brasileiras com diferentes percursos que partilham suas próprias histórias na Internet, criando uma colcha de retalhos de histórias que abordam questões como machismo, racismo e identidade de género.
"Let Me Tell You" is a narrative that relies on YouTube videos from female Brazilian YouTubers only. In the short film, women from diverse backgrounds have the chance to share their stories for a wider audience.
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My name is Lisa and I am 10. I am from France but my folks are all from Portugal. A few days ago my dad told me he was going away because of water in his lungs or something like that. Any ways, I don't believe his story. More likely the blonde lady from "the comete ???" whose going to take him away, I saw him, he tore a picture so mom does not see her. Liar, liar pants on fire!!! I saw him ... Not fair, he promised to fix up the bathroom. He give me his word ...
My name is Lisa and I am 10. I am from France but my folks are all from Portugal. A few days ago my dad told me he was going away because of water in his lungs or something like that. Any ways, I don't believe his story. More likely the blonde lady from "the comete ???" whose going to take him away, I saw him, he tore a picture so mom does not see her. Liar, liar pants on fire!!! I saw him ... Not fair, he promised to fix up the bathroom. He give me his word ...
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“Panic Attack!” is a hand-drawn animation from the point of view of a woman having a panic attack. I wanted the transitions between reality and her imagined fears to be seamless, so there are no edits -- it is one continually transforming drawing.
You know the nagging thoughts that start with "did I leave the coffee on?" and turn in to "am I pregnant with a devil-baby?” This hand-drawn animation explores anxiety, obsession, and one woman’s slippery hold on reality.
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A Celebration is a short drama about 8-year-old Ada living with her newly immigrated mother in Toronto, as they try to stay out of trouble and make ends meet.
A Celebration is a short drama about 8-year-old Ada who tries to convince her newly immigrated mother to celebrate Thanksgiving by cooking a turkey. However, when Ada sets to celebrate Thanksgiving like a “true Canadian”, she discovers what it means to be an immigrant family.
This is also the story of a young girl’s struggle to dissociate herself from the protecting identity of her mother in order to recreate her identity in a land other than her motherland. Through this story, I want to explore the narrative Ada’s search for identity, which will be told in the context of the human condition of a generation of young immigrant families who live in the margins of society and search for a better life and place in the world.
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Rasgado pela carta de despedida de seu namorado, Samuel tenta mudar suas idéias na natureza. A floresta lhe trará um consolo estranho e sensual ...
Torn by the farewell letter of his boyfriend, Samuel tries to change his ideas in nature. The forest will bring him a strange and sensual consolation...
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A casa de infância de um homem, uma modesta e ruinosa construção de pedra nas alturas, está prestes a ser demolida. Um pedreiro retorna à sua terra natal para dar com as suas próprias mãos um final digno aos últimos remanescentes do seu passado familiar. Talvez a simples contemplação de uma nuvem mudando de forma seja suficiente para saber se mais alguma coisa ainda pode ser feita.
Estrelado por um pedreiro real,"Ronco rumor remoto" são as imagens e sons de resistência a uma queda.
A man's childhood home, a modest and ruined stonework in the heights, is about to be demolished. A stonecutter returns to his native land to give with his own hands a dignified end to the last remains of his family past. Perhaps the mere contemplation of a cloud changing its shape is enough to know if something else can still be done.
Led by a real stonecutter, "Rough Remote Rumble" are the images and the sounds of the resistance to a decline.
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"Corpos de sal" é um curta-metragem que reflete o sofrimento de dois jovens amigos, afetados por sua identidade e sexualidade. Dois indivíduos que, em uma simples caminhada até a praia, transformam a recreação com drogas em um choro amargo entre afetos, desejo e falta de auto-estima.
Cuerpos de Sal is a short film that reflects on the suffering of two young friends, affected by their identity and sexuality, and disturbed by the violence in Mexico. Two individuals who, in one simple trip to the beach, turn recreational drug use into a horror story and they manifest as beings that are conditioned on resentment and abuse. A short film that represents a bitter cry between affection and desire, and where power and justice do not necessarily belong to the one exercising them but a consequence of pain. read more