Not Another War Movie, de Stephanie Koussa – Seleção Ensaios (2018)


Seleção Ensaios
NOS Cinemas Alma Shopping


País de Origem:
País de Rodagem: Lebanon

Metragem e Género

Metragem: Documentary, Student

Idioma e Legendagem

Língua: Arabic
Legendas: English

Not another war movie

Realização: Stephanie Koussa

Primeira obra: No

Produção: Institut d’études scéniques, audiovisuelles et cinématographiques à l’Université Saint-Joseph

Produtores: Stephanie Koussa

Sinopse Portuguesa:

Stephanie, a young filmmaking student, tries throughout her documentary to find how does the Lebanese youth deal with the heritage of the Lebanese civil war through two politically opposed characters Marwan and Ali. Marwan is a member and works for the Lebanese Kataeb (Phalanges) while Ali is her university friend and a supporter of Hezbollah and the Lebanese resistance. From Batroun, Marwan’s hometown to memory places in Beirut like the old Downtown cinema and the newly renovated Beit Beirut, an exchange of ideas and points of view takes place accentuating the already existing differences between young people concerning a past which they have never personally experienced.

Sinopse Original:

Stephanie, a young filmmaking student, tries throughout her documentary to find how does the Lebanese youth deal with the heritage of the Lebanese civil war through two politically opposed characters.

Data de Estreia: February 2018


Elenco: Nawal Koussa, Ali Hamouch, Marwan Abdallah
Actor Principal: Emilio Puente Bustindui, Sebastián Aguirre Boëda
Actriz Principal: –
Actor Secundário: –
Actriz Secundária: Angélica AragónArgumento: Stephanie Koussa
Argumento Original: Yes | Diálogos: yesDirecção de Fotografia (DoP): Ali Hamouch
Color, Digital, 16:9
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Direcção de Som: Mounzer ElHachem
Direcção de Arte: N/A
Figurinos: N/A
Caracterização: N/A

Edição: Stephanie Koussa
Banda Sonora Original: no
Direcção Musical: N/A

Redes Sociais:

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The data presented are the sole responsibility of producers, directors or tenderers of the films. If you have found an error please report it to with the page URL and which sections to correct. Thank you for your cooperation.
