In Between Spaces, de Don Senoc – Seleção Ensaios (2018)


Seleção Ensaios
NOS Cinemas Alma Shopping


País de Origem: Philippines
País de Rodagem: Philippines

Metragem e Género

Metragem: Short, Student

Idioma e Legendagem

Legendas: none

In Between Spaces

Realização: Don Senoc

Primeira obra: No

Produção: University of the Philippines Film Institute

Produtores: Bam Manlongat

Sinopse Portuguesa:

Jun is farmer who lives near a pineapple field with his mother Dita and his brother Mako. His aunt from Manila who can’t bear a child offers to adopt Mako with a promise to give him a good life. Jun and Mako now face their impending separation and think of ways they can spend every minute together before their aunt arrives.

Sinopse Original:

Jun is a farmer who lives near a pineapple field with his mother Dita and his brother Mako. His aunt from Manila who can’t bear a child offers to adopt Mako with a promise to give him a good life. Jun and Mako face their impending separation and think of ways they can spend every minute together.

Data de Estreia: May 22, 2018


Elenco: Cid Senoc, Shiela Zafra Labos, Kelvin John Lim
Actor Principal: fred costea
Actriz Principal: luzie juckenburg
Actor Secundário: pedro harres
Actriz Secundária: noneArgumento: Don Senoc
Argumento Original: Yes | Diálogos: noDirecção de Fotografia (DoP): Steven Paul Evangelio
Color, Digital, 16:0
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Direcção de Som: Krysver Gomez
Direcção de Arte: Drestel Leigh Galang
Figurinos: Drestel Leigh Galang
Caracterização: n/a

Edição: Jaye Jacinto
Banda Sonora Original: yes
Direcção Musical: Glenn Barit

Redes Sociais:

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The data presented are the sole responsibility of producers, directors or tenderers of the films. If you have found an error please report it to with the page URL and which sections to correct. Thank you for your cooperation.
