Essays Selection Regulations
Caminhos Film Festival is an initiative coorganized by CCP – Associação de Artes Cinematográficas de Coimbra and Centro de Estudos Cinematográficos/AAC. The competitive selection named Seleção Ensaios/Essays Selection is ruled by the following regulation:
1. – Deadlines
All submission materials for selection purposes should be delivered until September 10th, 2016. The selected films will be noticed until October 31st, 2016. The exhibition copies should be delivered until November 7th, 2016.
2. – Admittance
2.1. – National Essays Selection
2.1.1. – In this category will be admitted all the portuguese films, produced in scholar context, concluded since the last edition of the Festival, provided that they haven’t been registered and/or selected in previous editions.
2.1.2. – Will also be admitted portuguese films that were concluded before the last edition of the Festival, but that have not been publicly exhibited in other festivals or at the commercial circuit.
2.2. – International Essays Selection
2.2.1 – In this category will be admitted all the films, regardless of nationality, produced in scholar context, concluded since the last edition of the Festival, provided that they haven’t been registered and/or selected in previous editions.
2.2.2. – Will also be admitted all the films that were concluded before the last edition of the Festival, but that have not been publicly exhibited in other festivals or at the commercial circuit.
2.2.3. – The films whose dialogues are not in English or French, must have Portuguese, English or French subtitles.
2.3. – The Festival accepts the following formats:
a) Video productions in DVD format; BLU-RAY (PAL system); PRORES 422 HQ File;
b) The Festival does not accept any other formats.
3. – Submission
3.1. – Each director or producer can submit an unlimited number of films, provided that they follow this regulation.
3.2. – The submissions take mandatory place at the FilmFreeway platform –
3.3. – In case your film(s) is(are) selected, you should send us, via e-mail or post:
– Full Cast and Crew;
– Film photograms and poster;
– Director’s Biofilmography;
– Director’s Photo;
– 2 minutes trailer or excerpt of the film;
– One copy (DVD/BLU-RAY) of the film (mandatory by post).
3.3.1. – Digitally, the submission materials should be sent to: The Topic should include the film’s name and the Director’s name.
3.3.2. – By post, the submission materials should be sent to:
Caminhos do Cinema Português, Essays Selection
Rua Padre António Vieira, Edifício AAC – 1º Piso
3000-315 Coimbra
4. – The Essays Selection Jury
4.1. – The Essays’ Jury will be constituted by a panel of professionals in Cinema, Audiovisual and Multimedia, acknowledged by their merits and contribution to the Arts.
4.2. – The Jury’s constitution will be timely announced in our Festival’s website.
4.3. – The Essays’ Jury must have in consideration that:
a) It can decide the attribution of Honorable Mentions, up to one for each Prize.
b) It cannot attribute ex-aequo Prizes.
c) The Prizes might include a prize in money or a prize in kind; this will be settled with the Festival’s sponsors.
5. – Official Prizes
– Best National Essay
– Best International Essay
6. – Other Dispositions
6.1. – The Festival will not return the DVD/BLU-RAY copies, which will integrate the Festival’s library. Therefore, the Festival Organization will be free to use them in their activities, during and after the Festival – brochures, publicity, internet, and for other promotional and educational purposes – unless otherwise stated in the application. For any other purposes, a written authorization will be asked.
7. – Omissions
7.1. – The Festival’s Organization reserves the right to:
a) Decide upon the cases not predicted in this Regulation, as well as to make the necessary changes, informing everyone involved.
b) Decide extraordinary conditions to allow the submission of a film that does not fully obey this regulation.
8. – Final Disposition
8.1. – The submission for selection and participation in the competitive section Seleção Ensaios, part of Caminhos do Cinema Português Festival, implies the acceptance of this Regulation.
Coimbra, July 15th, 2015.