Mostra Paralela: Filmes do Mundo País de Origem Origin Country France Duração Runtime 0:13:16 Língua Language French Num mundo desumanizado, onde as emoções são racionadas e medidas por um medidor, Pipo, um operário apaixona-se por uma mulher sentada num banco. Ele fará de tudo para a chamar a atenção e seduzi-la com uma «linguagem» própria. Sinopse Internacional Sinopsis In a dezhumanized world where emotions are rationed and measured by a gauge, Pipo, a factory worker falls in love with a woman sitting on a bench. He will try anything to attract her attention and seduce her with his own « language ». Mensagem do Realizador Director Statement Biografia do Realizador Director Biography Data de Estreia Release Date 11/2019* Data de conclusão year 2020-01-09 Produtores Producers Igal Kohen Elenco Keycast Anatole Zangs, Solange Fréjean Argumento Screenplay Hugo Le Gourrierec Direcção de Fotografia (DoP) Direction of Photography Vadim Alsayed Cor Color Grégoire Lesturgie, Lionel Kopp Edição de Som Sound Editor Geoffrey Perrier Misturas de Som Sound Mix Maxime Roy Direcção de Arte Art Direction HUGO LE GOURRIEREC Figurinos Costumes ALINE DA ROCHA Caracterização Characterization JULIETTE MILON Edição Editing Joris Laquittant Direcção Musical Musical Direction Laurent Faessel Redes Sociais & WebsiteSocial Networks & Website
Exibição Exhibition
Cinema Avenida
04/12/2020 – 17:30Origem Origin
País de Rodagem Filming Country FranceMetragem e Género Footage and Genre
Tipo de Projecto Project Type Short
Género Genre Dystopia, Love, Drama, Tales, UtopiaIdioma e Legendagem Language and Subtitling
Legendas Subtitles ENG + IT + ESP + RUSSPipo and Blind Love Pipo et l’amour aveugle
Sinopse Sinopsis
Hugo is a graduate from the IECA (European Institute for Cinema And Audiovisual), which allows him to work alongside renowned directors, such as Ridley Scott, Pawel Pawlikowski, Maïwenn, Yvan Attal, Cédric Klapisch, Olivier Assayas, and more. List of fest TISFF 2020 Thessalonique Greece 18ème Prix Unifrance PARIS France Dwa Brzegi 14th Film and Art Festival Two Riversides LUBLIN Poland Cinemasuono Festival Award Cervia WINNER AWARD Italy Mantova Lovers International Short Film Festival MANTOVA BEST FILM Italy LTUE International Film Festival 2020 United States Festival Internazionale del Cinema Patologico ROME AWARD Italy Link International Film Festiva LONDON BEST EUROPEAN FILM United Kingdom BCT Festival Nazionale del Cinema di Benevento 2020 BENEVENTO Italy KinoFestival Light of The World MOSCOU AWARD WINNER Russian Federation 13ème Festival International de Ciné Bajo la Luna Islantilla Cineforum HUEVLA Spain Fresco International Film Festival EREVAN BEST FILM OF LOVE Armenia Villammare Film Festival Villamare Italy Galichnik Film Festival GALICHNIK Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of IX Riurau Film Festival XABIA BEST PHOTOGRAPHY Spain Life After Oil 2020 BEST FILM Italy 10°Cinefantasy International Fantastic film Festival SAO PAULO BEST SHORTFILM Brazil Festival Internacional Cine En Las Montanas SALENTO Colombia Festival SIMFEST Targu Mures Romania McMinnville Ici-Fi Film Festival PORTLAND OREGON United States Festival Internazionale del cinema Povero BEST FILM Italy Ortometraggi Film Festival Italy Macau International Short Film Festival La Nuit Du Film Court Short That Are Not Pants Court en Champagne Oscar Qualifying – 16th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival Visioni Fantastiche 2020 XI Sustefest Oscar Qualifying – 21th İzmir International Short Film Festival GFFF – Galician Freaky Film Festival Festival International du Film Francophone de Tübingen-Stuttgart Zinetika Festival Bordeaux Short 25ème Festival International du cinéma d’auteur de Rabat Un Court Tournable Kaohsiung Film Festival 4ème Festival International du cinéma fantastique de Menton San Diego International Film Festival 9th Dublin International Short Film and Music Festival 21ème festival international du premier court métrage de Pontault-Combault Festival de Cine Independente de Sogamoso Festival International de las Emociones en Argentina 23rd Religion Today Film Festival 18ème Festival International de Cine PonferradaDistribuição Distribution
Premium Films France
Realização Director Hugo Le GourrierecProdução Production IKO
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The data presented are obtained from the Filmfreeway platform and have been made available by the applicants of each film. If you have found an error please report it to with the page URL and which sections to correct. Thank you for your cooperation.
Exibições Exhibitions
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