Selecção Caminhos – Curta-Metragem de Animação País de Origem Origin Country Portugal, France Durante um dia anoitecido, dois personagens com fragilidades simétricas procuram adaptar-se. Sinopse Internacional Sinopsis Under a gloomy sun, two characters with symmetrical handicaps look for adaptation. Biografia do Realizador Director Biography Data de Estreia Release Date 09.2020* Data de conclusão year 2020-03-01
Exibição Exhibition
Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente
20/11/2020, 18:00
Duração Runtime 00:11:00
Tipo de Projecto Project Type Animation, Short
Género Genre DramaELO TIE
Sinopse Original Original Sinopsis
In 2010 completes the Painting degree in Fine Arts in Lisbon. Her first contact with animation cinema was in 2009 in the production company Sardinha em Lata. In 2013 moves to Porto to work in the animation studios of the production company Bando à Parte where she continued to develop technical and artistic work for other authors films . Founding member of the BAP Cooperative where she currently develops individual and collective work. Água Mole (2017) is her first film, co-directed with Laura Gonçalves. ELO is her debut as a solo director
Distribuição Distribution AGENCIA – Portuguese Short Film Agency
Realização Director Alexandra Ramires ( Xá )
Produção Production BANDO À PARTE // PROVIDENCES
Produtores Producers David Doutel
Argumento Screenplay Alexandra Ramires ( Xá ) , Regina Guimarães
Argumento Original Original Screenplay Sim/Yes
Direcção de Fotografia (DoP) Direction of Photography Dimitri Mihajlovic, Inês Teixeira, Laura Gonçalves, Vitor Hugo Rocha*
Direcção de Som Sound Direction Jérôme Petit
Animação Animation Dimitri Mihajlovic, Inês Teixeira, Laura Gonçalves, Vitor Hugo Rocha
Edição Editing Alexandra Ramires ( Xá ), David Doutel, Vasco SáBanda Sonora Original Original Soundtrack Sim/Yes
Direcção Musical Musical Direction Nicolas Tricot
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The data presented are obtained from the Filmfreeway platform and have been made available by the applicants of each film. If you have found an error please report it to with the page URL and which sections to correct. Thank you for your cooperation.
Exibições Exhibitions
(* dados sujeitos a confirmação)