Selecção Caminhos – Curta-Metragem de Animação Reposição: País de Origem Origin Country Portugal Um grupo grande de pessoas reúne-se à volta de uma mesa para uma refeição. Não se percebe se são uma família ou amigos. A comida é servida sob um ambiente ruidoso, quase circense. Ao longo da refeição descobrimos as várias figuras do grupo, ouvimos as suas conversas e adivinhamos ligações entre elas. Fazem-se brindes e cantam-se os parabéns. A dada altura já há quem durma, quem leia, quem namore. O ambiente vai-se fragmentado cada vez mais. No final sobra apenas loiça suja e silêncio. Sinopse Internacional Sinopsis A large group of people gather around a table for a meal. It is not clear whether they are family or friends. Food is served under a noisy, atmosphere. Throughout the meal we discovered the various figures of the group, listened to their conversations and we can guess the connections between them. Toasts are made and congratulations are sung. At some point there are already those who sleep, who read, who date. The environment is increasingly fragmented. In the end there is only dirty dishes and silence. Biografia do Realizador Director Biography Data de Estreia Release Date 2019* Data de conclusão year 2020-05-01 Realização Director João Fazenda Produção Production Animanostra Produtores Producers Humberto Santana Argumento Screenplay João Fazenda Argumento Original Original Screenplay Sim/Yes Direcção de Som Sound Direction Luis Canau Misturas de Som Sound Mix Carlos Ramos; Miguel Raposo Lima – Estúdio Estrela de Alcântara; João Penedo* Direcção de Arte Art Direction João Fazenda Edição Editing Luis Canau Banda Sonora Original Original Soundtrack Sim/Yes Direcção Musical Musical Direction Philippe Lenzini
Exibição Exhibition
Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente
26/11/2020, 15:00
Cinema Avenida
17/12/2020, 20:30
Duração Runtime 00:10:08
Tipo de Projecto Project Type Animation, ShortMesa Table
Sinopse Original Original Sinopsis
João Fazenda was born in 1979, in Lisbon. He graduated in Fine-Arts at the University of Lisbon. His work is divided between illustration, animation, comics, painting and drawing. He directed the animation shorts “Café” with Alex Gozblau, “Something Important” and ” Unintended” with scripts by JP Cotrim, the latter having won the António Gaio Prize at Cinanima in 2011. He works regularly as an illustrator for publications such as The New Yorker, The New York Times, Vision, among others. He participated in several collective and individual exhibitions around the world, is an illustration professor at FBAUL and has received numerous national and international awards. He illustrated many children’s books, poetry books, plays, movie posters and record covers.
Distribuição Distribution
Animanostra Portugal All Rights
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