Selecção Outros Olhares – Curtas Metragens (Portuguese Films Only) Reposição tba: data, hora País de Origem Origin Country Portugal Duração Runtime 00:13:00 Língua Language No Dialogue Os mistérios negros são domas traquíticos de rocha negra irregular, com origem nas erupções ocorridas nas ilhas dos Açores. Este filme encena uma viagem ao centro da terra. Mergulhamos no princípio do Mundo, construído de uma forma que escapa à lógica Cartesiana, encenando uma manifestação primal; a imagem em conjunto com o som, regressa também ao início do Cinema, onde a palavra ainda não tinha lugar. Através das paisagens encontradas nos Açores, esta peça trabalha os conceitos de escala e tempo antagónicos (geológicos e humanos), perseguindo as forças da Natureza e reflectindo a sua relação com o Homem. Os Açores têm cerca de 26 vulcões activos. A última grande manifestação nesta zona foi a dos Capelinhos em 1957, e estima-se que a próxima grande erupção vulcânica no Atlântico será neste arquipélago. Sinopse Internacional International Sinopsis The “mistérios negros” (dark mysteries) are trachemical domes of dark irregular rock, which originated in the eruptions that occurred in the islands of the Azores. This film stages a voyage to the centre of the earth. We’ll dive into the beginning of the world, in a way that escapes Carthesian logic, looking for more primal manifestations; this connection of image and sound also brings us back to the beginning of Cinema, where the spoken word still did not have a place. Through the landscapes of the Azores, this piece works on antagonistic concepts of scale and time (geological and human), chasing the forces of Nature and reflecting on their relationship with Man. The Azores have about 26 active volcanoes. The last great manifestation of these phenomenons was in the Capelinhos in 1957, and it is estimated that the next big eruption in the Atlantic will also happen somewhere in these islands. Mensagem do Realizador Director Statement Biografia do Realizador Director Biography Data de Estreia Release Date Outubro 2019* Data de Conclusão year 2019-10-31 Realização Director Pedro Lino
Exibição Exhibition
Cinema Avenida
18/11/2020, 21:45Origem Origin
País de Rodagem Filming Country PortugalMetragem e Género Footage and Genre
Tipo de Projecto Project Type Documentary, Experimental, Short
Género Genre Idioma e Legendagem Language and Subtitling
Legendas Subtitles n/aMistérios Negros Dark Mysteries
Sinopse Original Original Sinopsis
This film was originally commissioned by the UK based collective “The Decorators” as part of the public art programme at the “Walk & Talk” arts festival in the Azores in the summer of 2019. I was presented as an installation with live music, set in a hot springs pool where the audience would dive into the water and watch the film. If possible we would like to replicate the live music bit in your festival, as it adds to the overall idea of the film. You can see a short excerpt of the live presentation here:
Hailing from Portugal and after spending a decade in London, Pedro Lino works in documentary and animation, having directed several films in both forms. His work has been screened and awarded worldwide.
Doc Lisboa Lisbon October 25, 2019 World PortugalDistribuição Distribution
Direcção de Fotografia (DoP) Direction of Photography Pedro Lino
Direcção de Som Sound Direction Pedro Lino
Misturas de Som Sound Mix Philippe Lenzini
Direcção de Arte Art Direction Pedro Lino
Edição Editing Pedro Lino
Banda Sonora Original Original Soundtrack Sim/Yes
Direcção Musical Musical Direction Philippe Lenzini
Redes Sociais & Website Social Networks & Website
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The data presented are obtained from the Filmfreeway platform and have been made available by the applicants of each film. If you have found an error please report it to with the page URL and which sections to correct. Thank you for your cooperation.
Exibições Exhibitions
(* dados sujeitos a confirmação)