Cerimónias (2022)

Exibições Screenings

Cerimónias (2022)

5 de Novembro, 17:30, Casa do Cinema de Coimbra

Histórias Selvagens


Um casal de rendeiros que trabalha na criação de gado decide comprar e criar o seu próprio porco. Os anos passam, os filhos emigraram. Já velhos, são substituídos por novos rendeiros. Por caridade, e desde que não criem problemas, o senhorio deixa-os viver numa cozinha velha e degradada.


Lobina and Bastião live in the village of Montemor-o-Velho. They are sharecropping farmers and every day have to work dreadfully hard. Their living conditions are miserable. Fifty percent of every animal on their farm belongs to the landowner. They have few moments of relaxation and fun, like butchering the pig (which Bastião bought with his own money) and the ensuing feast. The years pass. Their sons get married, and their only daughter moves to France. Because of their age, Lobina and Bastião can’t work the land anymore and their farm is given to others. The landowner assigns an unhealthy and broken-down kitchen to the two old people.

poster de Histórias Selvagens
António Campos ·
1978 · Portugal 100′

Informação completa no Catálogo XXVIII Edição.

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