Sinopse Um olhar íntimo e poético sobre a vida quotidiana e as lutas dos idosos num mundo instável, através dos olhos dos seus netos. Três histórias justapostas que se passam em Portugal, Áustria e Cuba moldam um retrato honesto que investiga temas de enfermagem, cuidados de saúde, família e a vontade de continuar a viver num mundo afectado pelas consequências da doença de Alzheimer, uma pandemia global e uma guerra. Synopsis An intimate and poetic look into the daily lives and struggles of the elderly in an unstable world, through the eyes of their grandchildren. Three juxtaposing stories taking place in Portugal, Austria and Cuba shape an honest portrait that delves into themes of nursing, healthcare, family and the will to keep on living in a world affected by the consequences of Alzheimer’s disease, a global pandemic and war.
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The data presented are obtained from the Filmfreeway platform and have been made available by the applicants of each film. If you have found an error please report it to with the page URL and which sections to correct. Thank you for your cooperation.
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