TAGV País de Origem Origin Country Portugal Duração Runtime 14′ 0” Sinopse Original Original Sinopsis Sinopse Portuguesa Portuguese Sinopsis Ao fim da tarde, dois rapazes brincam na floresta junto a uma lagoa. Quando um deles desaparece, a lagoa e os seus habitantes tomam o controlo da narrativa, construindo, ao entrar da noite, um labirinto que cerca as duas crianças. Enquanto um dos rapazes deambula pela floresta à procura do amigo, as silhuetas, texturas e sons exercem lentamente a sua força. Sinopse Internacional Sinopsis As the afternoon light fades, two kids play in the woods by a lake. When one of them disappears, the lake and its inhabitants take hold of the narrative and, when the darkness sets in, build up the walls of a maze that encircles the two kids. While one wanders through the forest searching for his friend, the silhouettes, textures and sounds of the forest slowly exert their mysterious grip. Mensagem do Realizador Director Statement Biografia do Realizador Director Biography Diogo Salgado (Coimbra, 1994) studied film at Lisbon Theater and Film School and Communication Sciences at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. His first film, Noite Turva, won the Best Portuguese Short Film Award at Curtas Vila do Conde 2020. Distribuição Distribution
Selecção Caminhos
Exibição Exhibition
14 Nov, 17:30Origem Origin
País de Rodagem Filming Country PortugalMetragem e Género Footage and Genre
Tipo de Projecto Project Type Short
Género Genre Drama
Língua Language .
Noite Turva Noite Turva
Even though only vague memories remain from crucial events for any childhood, some of those conflicts, once small, are still fresh today as an adult. The maturity of those struggles allows a reflection over those interactions and unanswered tumults: losing someone, the vagueness of the future and nature’s indifference before that disquietude. Some mysteries last forever. I’ve decided to land the tripod on that ground, where neither truth or lie exist – a swamp, unstable for Man –, and tell the story of a small occurrence between two kids. Noite Turva evolves from the clash between the innocence of fantasies and the harshness of reality. Structured by a subtle plot, the formal elements are a direct consequence from the characters inner conflicts. The landscape is a passive and indifferent opponent, a trap that, not only circumscribes the characters, but also stimulates their imaginations with echoes and shadows.
Cannes Film Festival Cannes July 16, 2021 International Premiere France Curtas Vila do Conde IFF Vila do Conde October 6, 2020 National Premiere National Award Portugal Festival Internacional de Cine de Guadalajara Guadalajara October 1, 2021 Mexico
Realização Director Diogo Salgado
Primeira Obra First Time No
Projecto Académico Academic Project No
Produção Production CONTINUE WALKING*
Produtores Producers João Nunes, Rui Xavier
Elenco Keycast Afonso Gregório, Simão Bernardino, Lionel Santos
Outros Créditos Other Credits Sound: Miguel Coelho, Nuno Bento, João Galvão, Roland Vajs
Argumento Screenplay Diogo Salgado
Os dados apresentados são obtidos a partir da plataforma Filmfreeway, tendo sido disponibilizados pelos proponentes de cada filme. Se encontrou algum erro por favor reporte-o para filmes@caminhos.info dando conta do link da página e quais as secções a corrigir. Agradecemos a sua colaboração.
The data presented are obtained from the Filmfreeway platform and have been made available by the applicants of each film. If you have found an error please report it to filmes@caminhos.info with the page URL and which sections to correct. Thank you for your cooperation.
Data de conclusão year 2020-10-01
Exibições Exhibitions
(* dados sujeitos a confirmação)