Exibição Exhibition

Casa do Cinema de Coimbra
17 nov., 15:00

Origem Origin

País de Origem Origin Country Portugal
País de Rodagem Filming Country Portugal

Metragem e Género Footage and Genre

Duração Runtime 11’0”

Tipo de Projecto Project Type Experimental
Género Genre
Língua Language

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Depth Wish

Sinopse Original Original Sinopsis

Numa tentativa de escapar a todos os fluxos a que está exposta, M vai à procura de um lugar – o mar e os seus seres – que a liberta do tempo e lhe possa dar prazer, mas é constantemente infectada e interrompida por fenómenos que a afectam e alteram a sua percepção.

Sinopse Internacional Sinopsis

In an attempt to escape the entire flow to which she is exposed, M goes in search of a place – the sea and its beings – that sets her free from time and can give herself pleasure, but is constantly infected and interrupted by phenomena that affect her and alter her perception.

Mensagem do Realizador Director Statement

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Biografia do Realizador Director Biography

After starting to study in arts at Escola Artística António Arroio, she completed the 3 year course in Cinema / Moving Image at Ar.Co School (Ar.Co – Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual) in Lisbon, where she was asked to undertake the role of department monitor/assistant in 2018. While attending Ar.Co, she concurrently took both theoretical and practical courses and workshops between photography, cinema and sound art at NOVA University Lisbon (FCSH), Oficinas do Convento and other independent associations. She has participated in projects and artistic residencies across Portugal and has collaborated with peers on several film shoots in different roles, but mostly as a sound engineer. At the start of 2020 she joined fellow filmmaker Camila Vale to create the Espiral Laboratory – a super 8 film processing studio in Barreiro where she developed her first experimental short movie depth wish. Currently she is finishing the Advanced Course of Visual Arts at Ar.Co Almada.

Data de conclusão year 2021-07-11

Distribuição Distribution

Exibições Exhibitions
Curtas de Vila do Conde Vila do Conde WORLD PREMIERE Portugal INDIELISBOA 2021 LISBOA Portugal

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Realização Director Margarida Albino
Primeira Obra First Time Yes
Projecto Académico Academic Project Yes

Produção Production TERRATREME*
Produtores Producers AR.CO, TERRATREME

Elenco Keycast Camilla Flora Prey
Outros Créditos Other Credits

Argumento Screenplay Margarida Albino

(* dados sujeitos a confirmação)
Os dados apresentados são obtidos a partir da plataforma Filmfreeway, tendo sido disponibilizados pelos proponentes de cada filme. Se encontrou algum erro por favor reporte-o para filmes@caminhos.info dando conta do link da página e quais as secções a corrigir. Agradecemos a sua colaboração.
The data presented are obtained from the Filmfreeway platform and have been made available by the applicants of each film. If you have found an error please report it to filmes@caminhos.info with the page URL and which sections to correct. Thank you for your cooperation.