Casa do Cinema de Coimbra País de Origem Origin Country United Kingdom Duração Runtime 62’0” Sinopse Original Original Sinopsis Sinopse Portuguesa Portuguese Sinopsis O filme foi produzido usando práticas participativas em colaboração com mães cujos filhos foram mortos durante operações policiais no Complexo do Alemão, Manguinhos, Complexo de Maré; e Salgueiro. Janaína Matos, membro fundadora de um grupo de policiais brasileiros em campanha contra a militarização, afirma que no Brasil ‘tornou-se normal’ a polícia ‘entrar em um território e tratar a população como se fosse um inimigo de guerra … A política de segurança do Brasil não tem como objetivo de garantir segurança para todos, mas apenas para uma elite enquanto oprime o outro grande número da população, especialmente os negros. ‘Este filme explora a relação e as estreitas semelhanças entre o policiamento militarizado de favelas no Rio de Janeiro e as militarizadas táticas de aplicação da lei usadas pela Missão de Estabilização da ONU no Haiti (MINUSTAH) liderada pelo Brasil entre 2004 e 2007. Sinopse Internacional Sinopsis The film was produced using participatory practices in collaboration with mothers whose children have been killed during police operations in Complexo do Alemão, Manguihos, Complexo de Maré; and Salgueira. Janaina Matos, founding member of a group of Brazilian police officers campaigning against militarization, states that in Brazil ‘it has become normal’ for police ‘to enter a territory and treat the population as if it were a war enemy…Brazil’s security policy is not aiming to guarantee security for everyone, but just for an elite while oppressing the other larger number of the population, especially the black people.’ This film explores the relationship and close similarities between the militarised policing of favela communities in Rio de Janeiro and the militarised law enforcement tactics used by the Brazilian-led UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) between 2004 and 2007. Mensagem do Realizador Director Statement Biografia do Realizador Director Biography Co-Director, It Stays With You: Use of Force by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti. 2018. Best Director Award, Respect Human Rights Film Festival, Also screened at international film festivals in Monetvideo, Toronto, and Nice. • Director, Armagh Stories: Voices from the Gaol, Prisons Memory Archive. Premier Armagh, Nov 18th, 2015. • Co-Director, We Were There, Prisons Memory Archive; screened at Belfast Film Festival, Derry, Newtownabbey, Banbridge. (2014), Irish Film Institute, International Festival of Ethnographic Film (RAI), Bristol June 2105. Also Montreal, Sydney, San Paolo, London and Dublin. • Director, We Never Give Up II, Human Rights Media Centre, Cape Town, screened in Belfast, London and Cape Town 2013. Distribuição Distribution
Exibição Exhibition
15 nov., 15:00Origem Origin
País de Rodagem Filming Country BrazilMetragem e Género Footage and Genre
Tipo de Projecto Project Type Feature
Género Genre Documentary
Língua Language Portuguese
Right Now I Want to Scream: Police and Army Killings in Rio – the Brazil Haiti Connection
Working collaboratively Cahal McLaughlin and Siobhán Wills have produced two films on the use of lethal force by state security forces in Haiti and Brazil. We use participatory practices to ensure that survivors of violence retain agency in the telling of their stories.
DocsIreland Film Festival (English sub-titles) Belfast November 9, 2020 UK premiere Official Selection United Kingdom
Realização Director Cahal McLaughlin and Siobhán Wills
Primeira Obra First Time No
Projecto Académico Academic Project No
Produção Production Ulster University*
Produtores Producers Cahal McLaughlin and Siobhán Wills
Elenco Keycast .
Outros Créditos Other Credits .
Argumento Screenplay .
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The data presented are obtained from the Filmfreeway platform and have been made available by the applicants of each film. If you have found an error please report it to with the page URL and which sections to correct. Thank you for your cooperation.
Data de conclusão year 2020-11-09
Exibições Exhibitions
(* dados sujeitos a confirmação)